Welcome to our corner of the Web! We know you'll feel right at home, because just like you, everyone here at the Buyer's Guide lives, works and plays in Northern Virginia. We have homes to maintain, groceries to buy, cars to service, children to raise. In our precious spare time, we like to eat out, go to the theater or a concert, take a hike in the park, or enjoy museums and events in our own backyard or just across the Potomac in Washington, D.C. We have the same needs for products and services that you do, so we've created this Web site with you—our readers and neighbors—in mind. Here you'll find resources and information for every aspect of your life. So stay awhile, and come back often—we're always updating our content and adding new features.
What You’ll Find Here:
Click on our Departments to the left for businesses that offer the goods and services that you need.
Looking for something to do this weekend? Click here for links to our favorite online calendars.
Find a support group, community center, service organizations and much more in the Community Resources section.